Align To Thrive takes the mystery out of the sometimes confusing and broad term of "culture" and equips leaders and executives to take their companies to another level of growth and results.

We don't just diagnose how employees perceive a client's current culture during times of stress, we also offer a practical course of action to get clients where they want to go.

We move beyond simple awareness of the current culture to provide a roadmap to the ideal growth culture as identified by employee insight. We create a customized and comprehensive cultural roadmap to align all the factors that impact culture, including talent acquisition, onboarding, employee engagement, leadership, sales, customer service, habitat, brand, and marketing.

The IC-8 Cultural Assessment will help you:

  • Understand how to improve employee engagement and employee retention
  • Understand the sales process needed for increased revenue
  • Create the leadership influence styles that will best support growth
  • Develop a system that recognizes and rewards diversity and inclusion
  • Understand attributes of your ideal employee
  • Create an onboarding system for ideal talent acquisition
  • Increase customer satisfaction

Overview of the Assessment and Report

The assessment report is based on the IC-8 Circumplex® Model and the IC-8 Cultural Assessment. The cultural assessment is designed to help gather the collective cultural knowledge of your staff by having every member of the organization take an online, 20-minute assessment.

Through their honest and anonymous answers, the assessment results are organized in a way that makes it easy for you to take positive, measureable, and specific action in the areas of target acquisition, onboarding, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, leadership influence, customer service, marketing and sales strategy, habitat design, and other areas that align with the recommended ideal growth culture.

The IC-8 Circumplex Model is a simple yet sophisticated model that has been developed, tested, and refined for over 20 years in 41 markets across the US and Canada. Utilizing this model takes the mystery out of the sometimes confusing and broad term of "culture" and equips leaders and executives to take their companies to the next level of growth and results.

See why we're different

Hear the science behind the assessment from our two PhDs

Your Culture

In this assessment report, we share the strengths and challenges of both your current culture under stress and the ideal culture that was identified by your team, along with specific directives and recommendations needed to move from the current culture to the ideal culture. These recommendations include the common values, beliefs, behaviors, and habits needed to support the intelligent and intentional implementation of that ideal culture within your specific organization.

Your Current Culture

You will receive results based on the responses provided in the IC-8 Cultural Assessment regarding how one believes they must behave in order to be successful in your organization and accepted as a member of the team. The report will help you to understand the strengths and challenges of the current culture under stress, as well as what it takes to be successful in your organization today.

Your Ideal Culture

You will receive results based on the responses your employees provided on the IC-8 Cultural Assessment. You will discover the ideal culture that your employees believe would best promote productivity, employee engagement, and belief in your company. The report will help you to understand the strengths and challenges of the ideal culture.

Growth Culture Personalities

Every company has some kind of culture. For most companies, the culture is largely unconscious, loosely designed, not translated into specific behavior, and rarely, if ever, communicated or reinforced. Even when a company takes the conscious steps to create a vision, mission, and strategy, there is rarely an awareness of the unconscious pieces that serve as the foundation of those steps. This is where we can help you understand how to create the culture that you desire for your organization.

Once you have an understanding and awareness around your current and ideal cultures from your employees' perspective, we then dive into how you can shift your culture towards growth. This is where the IC-8 Growth Culture Personalities come in.

The three growth-oriented culture styles – Empowering, Visionary, and Driven – can be further divided into nine distinct Growth Culture Personalities. Using the results of your assessment, and input from your leadership, management, and employee subcultures, we will be able to determine an IC-8 Growth Culture Personality recommendation that is right for you.

The IC-8 Growth Culture Personality framework provides guidance on aligning the unconscious building blocks needed to implement your ideal growth culture. You will learn ways to align your talent acquisition, onboarding, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, leadership influence, customer service, marketing and sales strategy, and habitat design with the identity, purpose, values, beliefs, behaviors, and habits that support your ideal culture.

By bringing the various aspects of your business into alignment with the characteristics of this culture personality, you will be better able to capitalize on strengths, overcome weaknesses, and achieve the cultural growth you desire.

Your Recommended Personality

This section provides an overview of the strengths of your IC-8 Growth Culture Personality, along with the purpose, beliefs, and directives for talent acquisition, onboarding, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, leadership influence, customer service, marketing and sales strategy, and habitat design that support your ideal culture. Using these recommendations and the directives that follow as a guide for changes within your company, you will be more intentional in your cultural growth and more likely to achieve your organizational goals.

Prevalent Beliefs

Beliefs are ideas or principles that we accept to be true. They provide a feeling of certainty, though they do not need to be based on proof or facts. Beliefs can be very valuable for an organization because when they are combined with values, they provide the underpinnings of a strong and focused company culture.


Change starts from the top. To create a growth culture, leadership must reflect and continually promote the change within the larger team. Leaders must understand how to influence their teams for optimal results. Leadership beliefs, behaviors and habits all have a direct impact on the success of creating a growth culture.

Talent Acquisition

In order for an organization to undergo a cultural shift, it is important that the identities of individuals align with that of the new culture. Aligning your talent acquisition process to the ideal culture and personality of your organization ensures you have the right people in your organization and increases retention.

Employee Engagement

Creating a growth culture is an essential part of increasing employee engagement. Employees are engaged when they feel energized coming to work and they want to work hard for the organization. High employee engagement is achieved when employee behaviors automatically and instinctively align with the values underlying your growth culture.

Diversity and Inclusion

Success in today's world requires inviting in and incorporating diverse points of view. A growth culture seeks out diverse perspectives and welcomes every voice at the proverbial table. A variety of viewpoints lends itself to an inclusive understanding and interpretation of the values represented by your growth culture.


The most important part of the onboarding process is to ensure new hires understand the culture of the organization. An essential part of growing and maintaining a growth culture are the company values. The values must be integrated into daily work life. Onboarding must show new hires what it takes to be successful in the organization from a values, behaviors, and beliefs perspective.

Customer Service

Aligning customer service with the growth culture supports your clients at the highest level. Supporting customer service requires creating habits consistent with the growth culture; a habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconsciously. When every employee embodies the values of your growth culture through their habits, your company will experience outstanding customer service.

Sales Process

To support a growth culture, the sales process must align with and enhance the organization's overall brand, while allowing for individual accountability and style. Most leaders can relate to the dilemma of having a high performing salesperson who disrupts the organization's culture through rogue behaviors. In contrast, when aligned with your ideal culture, the sales process will motivate individual salespeople to work hard for the stated goals of the company.